Wednesday, June 13, 2012

My special friend

She is a special child of God – my unique friend Padma (friendship of around 3 years).
My weekly visit to her house to spend some time with her has been infrequent for the past few months.  Though she does not know the date/days of the week, surprisingly, every Saturday, she eagerly waits for me and pesters her Mother to telephone to me.  The half hour that I spend with her gives her unbounded happiness which in turn gives me an immensely satisfied feeling.
Being spastic and with various health problems, very poor eye sight, severe speech impairment, and old parents, she does not have any qualms, worries, stress, etc., etc., (unlike us when we are many times unhappy for nothing) – ignorance is bliss.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Pigeon with chicken pox

On a Sunday, a couple of months ago, Anand found a pigeon near our house which was not moving even when the car was nearing it.  Anand realized that it must have been hurt & we decided to take it to Blue Cross.  Next moment we were on our way to Blue Cross, Velachery. (our second trip to Blue Cross – first one was when we found the Kingfisher bird).  

The pigeon was sitting quietly in Pavithra’s hand.  It looked ill with some boils on its beak & body.  The caretaker in Blue Cross said that the Pigeon suffered from Chicken Pox & that they will treat it.  We hope that this little bird is healthy now. 
Blue Cross, Velachery, Chennai :  Phone: +91 44 2235 49 59 / 2230 0666 / 2230 0655